Our goal is to help students transition from graduate studies into the professional of public health, and support them to map out a path of continuing professional development.
The MPH includes a mandatory 400-hour practicum placement whose purpose is for students to apply the knowledge, skills and competencies from course work in a supervised public health setting in order to gain exposure to public health in practice. Students complete their practicum placements in a variety of settings, including local, provincial, regional, national and international host organizations.
Our students also have access to a range of professional development opportunities, including the MPH program's Public Health Professional Development course, a weekly departmental seminar series, the School of Graduate Studies' Expanding Horizons workshops series, student organized conferences and more.
It all fits into our mission to educate, equip and inspire students to take Evidence-Informed Action for Public Health.
- For more information about the Practicum Placement, click here.
- For more information about Public Health Professional Development Course, click here.